MTV community, following the recent release of the 2022 roadmap, many of our fellow members expressed their thoughts, suggestion

01 Mar 2022, 21:31
MTV community, following the recent release of the 2022 roadmap, many of our fellow members expressed their thoughts, suggestions and criticism about its content and presentation. The core team is constantly made aware of everything being discussed by the community. CEO Shawn assured us that the community will be heard as usual and the roadmap will be considered as a "live" roadmap and will be subject to changes if needed. This will include using better formatting and adding timelines in the future as well as updating some of its content. The admin team has recently decided that any repetitive comments related to the roadmap will be warned as this is constantly spamming the chat. Repetitive warnings will unfortunately incur a temporary mute from writing in the group. Thank you for your understanding.