It might surprise you, but nothing in that direction has to be done. It's not about having the best narrative/marketing.

06 Dec 2022, 19:06
It might surprise you, but nothing in that direction has to be done. It’s not about having the best narrative/marketing. It’s about having the best product. We’re in the nascent age of a technology that almost every corporation and government will need, in a shift towards a world with simplified/optimised underlying mechanisms (web3). Why is it so important? Because our society has entered a downsizing phase, in regards to ressource consumption. Our civilisation is struggling to produce enough ressources to cater for our modern lifestyle (in an economically sustainable way at least), and so human mechanisms need to be optimised asap, in order to mitigate the consequences of reaching such a bottleneck. Supply chain issues, rampant inflations etc are only preliminary symptoms of the profound transformation our society is going through. What’s happening now with the blockchain industry is - to some extent - comparable to what happened to web1 at the end of the last century. Everyone needed internet, yet few of the pioneering and most hyped companies made it - if any. The winners ended up being corporations with refined and disruptive products that simplified people’s life - GAFA & Co. In a nutshell, MultiVAC doesn’t need to win any race at the moment. The project just needs to consistently and dedicatedly develop the most scalable, accessible and reliable (and of course decentralised enough) L1 blockchain that any corporation or government on this planet can adopt in the future. If you read thoroughly the technical papers of MultiVAC, you will understand how technologically superior this blockchain has the potential to become, once fully deployed and operational. Also, you must understand that rather than a purely money-making business for its founding members, this is more of a joint academic effort, with lessened mercantile considerations - in a globalised world with shifting balance of power. The current value of the token might therefore be seen as a secondary consideration by a team with a much broader vision. While ressources are sufficient for years to come, those ressources are currently being dedicated to R&D. Pushing narratives and generating unrealistic hype isn’t currently in the cards. I hope this answers your question 😉